Dungeons & Dragons 50th Anniversary event series - Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn

Sale price£10.00


Join us for some very special one shots to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons.

We'll be hosting 3 events, one of those being run by professional local dungeon master Peter Allison.

Buying a ticket and taking part in the event will also get you an exclusive code for 5% off the brand new Players Handbook (this will be given to players at the end of the session).

Players will use pregenerated characters. Feel free to bring along any dice, pens, pencils etc we can also provide all the things you'll need

Events will take place on the following dates and times

  • Friday 20th Septemer - 6pm
  • Friday 27th September (with Peter Allison) - 6pm
  • Sunday 29th September - 1pm