Children of the Atom - MCP event

Sale price£20.00


Welcome to our Marvel Crisis Protocol one day event.

Sunday 23rd February 2024

Registration from 09:30am
Round 1 starts at 10:00am

4 swiss rounds, 90 mins per round + 15 mins set up each round.

Free parking on site (please do not park in front of either Concept Decor or Duo Kitchens and Bathrooms)

Lunch is included, it will be an individual pizza from Dominos. We'll get the orders from the players at registration.

You will need to bring the following.

  • 10 characters for your team
  • Team tactics cards
  • Crisis cards, 3 secure, 3 extraction
  • Movement tools and range rulers
  • Dice

Prizes include trophies, dice and store credit. There will be an award for best painted and most sporting

Tickets are non-refundable if less than 24 hours before the event is due to start